The Journal of Archaeology, Anthropology and Interdisciplinary Studies (JAAIS) is an annual publication at the beginning of the road. The first issue of the journal was published in 2019 by members of the Institute of Bioarchaeological and Ethnocultural Research (ICBE), specialists with professional experience, recognized both in the country (Romania and Moldova) and abroad.
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Since 2020 Revista de Arheologie, Antropologie și Studii Interdisciplinare (the Journal of Archaeology, Anthropology and Interdisciplinary Studies) is indexed in the CEEOL, ERIHPLUS, and EBSCO international databases.
The Institute of Bioarchaeological and Ethnocultural Research (ICBE) was founded in 2017, in accordance with Decision no. 347 of December 13, 2017 of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova. The IBER priorities are linked to the directions of development of scientific research and of the state.
ICBE was founded by researchers with theoretical and applicative professional experience. The activity of the ICBE members is oriented towards fundamental scientific research, which will have an applicative purpose, by generating solutions for solving the problems of archaeological and ethnographic heritage of the Republic of Moldova, for a better monitoring and management.
The founding members of the Institute of Bioarchaeological and Ethnocultural Research are:
- Andrei Corobcean – archaeologist, director
- Angela Simalcsik – anthropologist, deputy director
- Dorina Onică – ethnologist, scientific secretary
- Ion Ciobanu – archaeologist, member of the board
- Natalia Grădinaru – ethnologist, member of the board
- Sergiu Popovici – archaeologist, member of the board
- Robert Daniel Simalcsik – anthropologist, member of the board
- Ion Ursu – archaeologist, member of the board
ICBE comprises archaeologists, anthropologists, historians, ethnologists, folklorists, geologists, palaeontologists, archaeozoologists, traseologists, sociologists, linguists, agronomists; authors of numerous studies published in the country and abroad, members of the scientific councils and colleges of the various institutions and of the specialized journals, with experience in field research, didactic activity, collaboration in institutional and public utility research projects.
The team was chosen to suit the ICBE specificity, having an interdisciplinary character, visible also in the way in which the contribution of each one to the implementation of the work strategies of the institution and the fulfilment of the proposed objectives were thought. ICBE members have collaborated previously in good conditions, which guarantee a compatible team.
© Copyright 2019 Institutul de Cercetări Bioarheologice şi Etnoculturale (ICBE)
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Revista de Arheologie, Antropologie şi Studii Interdisciplinare (RAASI) journal by Institutul de Cercetări Bioarheologice şi Etniculturale (ICBE) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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